Hey everyone, its has been a crazy month. So obviously by the title you can see that I went dairy free and I am nursing. However, I didn't choose the dairy free life the dairy free life chose me. lol

But seriously, this might be TMI for some people.
Since Patriot was born, he had a stuffy nose every night, vomit milk often, spit up a ton (we do burp him a lot), mucusy green frothy diarrhea diapers almost after every feed. If thats not enough, around 3 1/2 months he started having blood in his diapers. First specs and then dime size amount.
We mentioned it to the doctor the small symptom and they said not to worry. When the blood appeared, they said to bring him right in and they did an exam. They decided to do a stool test incase of infection. That came back negative. We also saw a gastrointestinal doctor and He declared it a milk protein allergy/intolerance.

That is why we are dairy free. It has bee about a month now and His stools are back to normal yellow brown color. He still has watery stools and there is some specs of blood but it is less and less, some diapers not at all. I am really happy he is feeling better. He still spits up a lot but its a lot less than He did and no stuffy nose so thats amazing. I can't tell you the nights I stayed up paranoid because I was listening to him breathe.
Anyhooo, We all went to the state park the other day and Legacy ran around and picked up acorns and saw tractors (construction workers there) and just enjoyed being in nature taking in all of Gods creation. It was breathtaking. Hope you guys get a change to go outside and just remember that no matter what is going on the God of heaven and earth that created the stars in the sky, the leaves that change color, and most importantly you, is working on your behalf right now.
#dairyfree #milkprotienallery #momlife #fauxleatherleggings #target #pinklily #sweaterweather #stateforest #fallfashion